Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Time for a Home Study!!

Things have certainly been interesting around here! On Monday, I found out I was going to Kennedy Space Center for a fantastic children's librarian workshop! And I was one of 40 applicants selected. I was told they received over 100 applications, so that's pretty awesome.

On Tuesday, several things happened. Russell went to start his truck, moved about 1/4 mile, and discovered the alternator is out. Ughh. So now we are down to sharing one car until the alternator can come in (which will be Monday).

But the best thing happened on Tuesday! I was at lunch and I received a call to set up our home study!! Our home study is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, November 1, at 10 a.m. This is the call we have definitely been waiting on. I am told this home study should last at least 2-3 hours. This is the second home study (out of 3) that we will need to have. The third and final home study is supposed to be completed within a month from Tuesday. But, we know how these things go so we are not getting our hopes up too high about that.

We still have alot to do to get ready for this home study. We have been cleaning like crazy and putting the child locks back on our cabinets. We took them off after the first home study because there was no use keeping them on when it is just the two of us living at our house.

So what happens next? This home study is conducted by an outside vendor. They have 30 days to complete both home studies and write up their reports in order to get paid by DFCS. Next, we go for local, regional, and state approval (which could take at least 1-2 months) and then it gets really exciting!! That's when we will eventually find out details about our child!! And of course, that's the best part. :)

I'll be sure to post next week to update you all on our visit!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Donate to our adoption fund!

So, adoption can be costly. Very. The cost of adopting a child through the foster care system is lower than "traditional" adoption processes, but there are still many costs including court costs, attorney fees, fees for different tests, and many other costs associated with bringing a child into our home.  If you want to help us bring our child into our home and help us create a "Forever Family", donate to our adoption fund. 100% of the funds received will go towards adoption process costs and for the care of our child. You can donate through PayPal on the top of our blog, and it will be there until our adoption is finalized. Every little bit you give helps give our child the support and love he or she needs.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hoping and waiting...

...And waiting some more. This morning, Russell called the case worker to find out what's going on since we hadn't heard from them lately. We mailed the remaining paperwork 2 weeks ago. Supposedly, we are going to get a call from the agency that does the home study this week. If it happens, we will be so excited!! I do hope this is going to happen this week. Our case worker told us to call her next Tuesday if we don't hear from the agency by then. Until then, we are just hoping and waiting....